What Is A Muse In A Relationship? Everything You Need to Know

In every phase of life, people have or find one thing or another that can keep them motivated as they go through life. Likewise, in every area of life, including relationships, couples always find something that fuels such relationships and that has been the secret to why some relationships last over time.

Today we will be looking particularly at what is a muse in a relationship? Because singularly, we can see that a muse is something that keeps someone inspired and motivated; it is that thing that pushes one to continually thrive in an art or in an endeavor. In relationships too, finding a muse keeps and sustains relationships and we shall dig in further in this article.

What Is A Muse?

A muse can be seen as a person or a personified force that can serve as a source of inspiration for a creative artist. In mythology, muses were nine goddesses that symbolized the arts and sciences. But we are not here to dig into mythology; we are here to critically ponder and discover what a muse in a relationship is.

So now that we have seen that a muse is something—a person or a force that serves as a source of inspiration for an artist or for anyone. Couples are not artists, are they? No, they’re not but still, there is still something as someone finding a muse in their relationship.

What Is A Muse In A Relationship?

One would ask after reading my definition of a muse, What does this muse have to do with a relationship or couples? Is it not basically the inspiration of an artist or that of a creative designer or that of a writer?

This is why we are embarking on this article to find out what a muse is in a relationship. So now, what is a muse in a relationship?

A muse in a relationship is something spectacular and intriguing that, at the same time, gets you excited about your partner, something that attracts you to him or her. Women are said to be mostly the source of muse in a relationship.

However, from the definition of a muse, “a personified force which serves as a source of inspiration,” we can say that a muse is not entitled to the female gender alone, Oh yeah, you heard me right. So, a muse can either be a man or a woman, as long as he or she is a source of inspiration.

When someone becomes your muse, you are attracted to that person because of the qualities they have, not because of their physical looks and physique. You always have this feeling of euphoria when the thought of them comes to your head. This happens in a relationship when you become intimate with your partner, because in intimacy, the image of your partner’s appearance seems to dissolve.

They literally become an impression and not an image, something that is hard to describe in the sense that when you think of someone you long for, their physical features don’t come to mind; instead, you just seem to recall a particular gesture, interesting moments, a touch or a scent they have, These might be little things, but they evoke a feeling of pleasure in your own body.

Muses remain multi-dimensional; they are impossible to capture with one particular thing and when you have a muse in your relationship, you long to understand them, to read them, to know them at every point in time. Should I call this obsession? Oh yes, it’s a beautiful kind of obsession in that you are longing to know them more for the betterment of your relationship with him or her.

You just want to make that person happy and comfortable at the same time. Have we exhausted it all? Trust me, we could talk from now until tomorrow and still not totally describe what a partner as a muse entirely feels like.

Why Find A Muse In Your Relationship?

We have found out that a muse is a source of inspiration for someone to do something creative or to go on in a particular endeavor. So why do you need to find a source of inspiration in a relationship?

  1. Since a muse is a source of inspiration, that sparks or ignites creativity, that gives someone the urge to push on, it is the impetus that drives one to do anything he dreams of, we can now say that without a muse or a source of muse in a relationship, it is almost certain that such a relationship might not last long as soon as the superficial features that must have triggered such a relationship disappears.
  2. A muse in a relationship is what keeps that relationship thriving. It is the fuel in a relationship. It is what makes you still want to be with someone, even when there are many reasons not to. It makes communication easy in a relationship; you open up freely to your partner without fear or doubt.
  3. A muse propels a relationship, it fuels it with excitement instead of endurance. You need a muse in your relationship if you don’t want to endure your partner.
  4. It makes a couple bond faster, it gives you reasons to fight for your relationship should any opposition come up, because you desire that person. You are not interested in finding faults with your partner, instead, you’re finding reasons to keep on vouching for him or her.
  5. The essence of a muse in a relationship should not be underestimated because it’s indeed the bedrock for any relationship that would last long and thrive over time.


We can see that love is recognition beyond identification.  A muse is not always an object of desire or a force that gives inspiration; it is an encounter, a steady experience, or a rupture that awakens us to see more of a person beyond his or her physical looks. It is to have someone who you love just because of who they are, someone you desire to understand and know.

Also having a muse in a relationship is most times what keeps a relationship thriving despite the different kinds of challenges one keeps seeing in a relationship.

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