15 Hilarious Things Every Woman Does with Her Friends

15 Hilarious Things Every Woman Does with Her Friends

Female friendship creates a unique link, and while everyone is unique, some things are shared by gal pals. If you and your friends have ever eaten an excessive amount of pizza or sat around in sweats watching awful reality TV on Netflix, you understand what we’re talking about.

The level of comfort you feel around your closest friends allows you to be your most true, filthy self. If you thought you and your group were alone in this, think again.

These are things every woman does with her friends at some point. And if you want to make your inner circle chuckle, start with these 10 Quick and Easy Romantic Gestures to Show Your Partner You Care

1. Share Their Worst Selfies

15 Hilarious Things Every Woman Does with Her Friends
Credit: RapidEye, Gettyimages

What’s too disturbing for Instagram is ideal for your best friend. But nothing matches the 20 Instagrammers Who Edited Their Pictures So Much, They Got Shamed For It Online (New Pics)

2. Collaborate on Texts for Love Interests

15 Hilarious Things Every Woman Does with Her Friends
Credit: urbazon, Gettyimages

You want to come off as flirtatious, not thirsty. Want to enhance your flirting game? 13 Cringy Things Millennials Used To Do On The Internet That You 100% Forgot About

3. Lie About the Time

15 Hilarious Things Every Woman Does with Her Friends
Credit: Hirurg, Gettyimages

We all know what “leaving in five minutes” entails. While nobody enjoys the white lie, these are 30 Things Women Always Want to Hear.

4. Eat the entire pizza.

15 Hilarious Things Every Woman Does with Her Friends
Credit: South_agency, Gettyimages

That is per individual, by the way. If a whole pizza isn’t enough carbs for you, learn the 11 Popular Indian Christmas Food

5. Facebook Creep on Their Crushes

15 Hilarious Things Every Woman Does with Her Friends
Credit: Mario Arango, Gettyimages

It’s not a problem if more than one individual does it. This guide will Make Him Jealous Bradley Spencer: 5 Ways to Make Him Jealous

6. Sing loudly as possible.

15 Hilarious Things Every Woman Does with Her Friends
Credit: MTStock Studio, Gettyimages

When you’re with your friends, the world becomes your karaoke bar. Are you wondering what to sing? Try the 10 Popular Songs Inspired By Heartbreaking Events

7. Make a DIY Spa Day.

15 Hilarious Things Every Woman Does with Her Friends
Credit: Mikolette, Gettyimages

Real friends have seen each other with yogurt on their faces. Alternatively, go all in with the 8 Best Sweat-Proof Makeup Items, Beauty Experts Say

8. “Borrow” Each Other’s Clothes

15 Hilarious Things Every Woman Does with Her Friends
Credit: pixelfit, Gettyimages

Sorry. You’ll never get that shirt back. It’s one of the 15+ Amazing Coincidences You Won’t Believe Actually Happened, according to my female friends.

9. Go to the Bathroom

15 Hilarious Things Every Woman Does with Her Friends
Credit: Sladic, Gettyimages

If one person goes, everyone else follows. However, it is not acceptable to go to the bathroom when the bill arrives.

10. Diagnose each other.

15 Hilarious Things Every Woman Does with Her Friends
Credit: Courtney Hale, Gettyimages

Who needs WebMD when your buddies can make wild assumptions about what’s wrong with you? Before you contact your fake doctor, make sure they understand the worst women’s health myths that must die.

11. Text from Across the Room

Credit: Klaus Vedfelt, Gettyimages

The first person to laugh in an inappropriate situation loses.

12. Cancel plans.


Sometimes you can tell when everyone is secretly wanting a sweatpants night.

13. Try on the worst clothes.

Credit: Drs Producoes, Gettyimages

While you’re out shopping, try on all the puffy shirts for a laugh.

14. Watch The Worst Television

Credit: RapidEye, Gettyimages

Don’t let anyone tell you that binge-watching Long Island Medium with pals isn’t a good time.

15. Share Embarrassing Tinder Messages.

Credit: Noelia Ramon – TellingLife, Telling Life, Getty Images

One person’s embarrassing event should make everyone chuckle.

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