63 Lovely Puerto Rican Male Names


The first gift a newborn receives from its parents is a name, which also gives them an identity. Being a parent is a great duty and in order for their child to grow up to be a decent person, one must even instill moral principles in them. You should shortlist a few options and conduct adequate research before choosing a name for your child.

Once you’ve finally met your child, you may choose a name that best describes him. Finding the perfect name for your child requires a lot of research, so you definitely need help. Puerto Rican boy names and Puerto Rican male names are discussed in this article.

Puerto Rican Male Names

Let’s consider some beautiful Puerto Rican male names and what they mean.

1. Armando

It is expected of men with such names to be rugged and hardy. They possess great strength and discipline. Their desire to dedicate their life to their country stems from their patriotism.

2. Abran

The name means “father of a multitude” and has Hebrew origins.

3. Alano

Parents find all sons to be very attractive, and this name can express their feelings to the children.

4. Benito

The name has Italian and Spanish roots. It denotes the “blessed one”

5. Benigno

This is a Puerto Rican male name, which translates to “a kind and friendly person.” Having integrity and being a reliable person are vital in life.

6. Bonifacio

People who bear these Puerto Rican male names are typically observed to carry out nice actions throughout their lives. They live by the values that their parents instill in them.

7. Carlos

Its meaning is “warrior.” In this cutthroat environment, one needs to be extremely powerful and self-assured to survive.

8. Christian

This name is appropriate if your family is devout since it implies “a follower of the Almighty.” Choosing that name is fantastic.

9. Cléto

This guy has been selected to overcome all obstacles in our society. They fight for what’s right and stand up for the truth. In general, these individuals are robust and self-assured.

10. Cordero

This name has Italian and Spanish roots. It connotes “young lamb.”

11. Diego

The name means “supplanter” and is of Spanish origin.

12. Donatello

Every spouse or family receives a blessing from God when they have a baby. This name is ideal for you if you want to convey to them how much they mean to you and how much they are a “gift from God.”

13. Eufrasio

These individuals are highly gregarious and have the ability to command attention.

14. Fidele

In order to live a decent life, every parent will want their child to acquire moral principles and family ethics. Thus, this name, which means “a faithful person,” is particularly appropriate.

15. Felito

This boy’s name, which is Puerto Rican, translates to “a kind and friendly person.” Having integrity and being a reliable person are vital in life.

16. Garcia

This name denotes a person who can valiantly overcome all obstacles in life and emerge victorious. As a result, this is a popular choice for newborn boy names.

17. Guillermo

The name translates to “a committed guardian.” These people can guide everyone in the correct direction and bear great responsibility for whatever they accomplish.

18. Gualtiero

The name is Italian in origin and signifies “army commander.”

19. Hayden

The name means “heathen” and is of English origin.

20. Humberto

The name means “renowned warrior” and is Old German in origin.

21. Henry

They have a distinct attitude, but they may also be future leaders. This name’s bearers are peace and harmony believers.

22. Hilario

Every parent always wants the best for their child. Because this name signifies “happy,” it may thus be a benefit for them.

23. Hugo

Because it signifies “an intelligent person,” this brief and adorable name has a lot of impact. In general, these folks are conscious of their surroundings.

24. Ignado

Although it may be beneficial, fire is a strong element that also has the ability to completely destroy everything. Someone with such a name is definitely well-known.

25. Jadzia

For parents, a child is always a treasure. By his name, it is safe to assume that his parents value him greatly.

iidmeaning “bright.” As every parent hopes for their child to have a bright future, this name is ideal

26. John

It is among the most well-known and often-used names worldwide. This name means “God is extremely gracious.”

27. Jorge

It’s a really elegant-sounding Puerto Rican version of the name George. The name is also popular these days.

28. Jaime

The name means “supplanter” and is of Spanish origin.

29. Juan

The name has Spanish ancestry. Its meaning is “created by God.”

30. Jose

The name means “who pardons” and is of Spanish descent.

31. Katie

This unusual name translates to “pure.” Because of its originality, it ranks well; you may proudly call your boy Katia.

32. Kemen

All parents will want their son to be robust and powerful. According to its meaning, this name is therefore appropriate. Hold on to this name!

33. Kevin

Respect is always due to a good human being and every parent wants the best for their child. Because this name signifies “kind and gentle,” it will thus be a blessing for your boy.

34. Leandro

Its meaning is “lion-brave.” People bearing such a name typically possess a strong personality and are able to guide others in the right route.

35. Lucio

Because Lucio means “bringer of light,” he typically becomes a beam of hope for many unfortunate individuals.

36. Luis

Among Puerto Rican males, this unusual name is highly sought-after as one of the trendiest ones.

37. Leonidas

The name means “son of a lion” and has Greek origins.

38. Manolito

The name means “God is with us” and has Spanish origins.

39. Miguel

The name has Portuguese, Spanish and English roots. “Who is like God” is what it implies.

40. Moises

The name means “savior” and has Hebrew, Spanish, and Portuguese roots.

41. Macerio

Every parent wants their child to have a life that is safe and secure. Given that this name implies “one who is blessed,” it can be used for comparable searches.

42. Mateo

Every parent and family considers a baby to be a gift. Because this name signifies “a gift from God,” one might use it to express their love and affection for them.

43. Nereon

This name will have a huge impact since it implies “strong,” which is important in this competitive period.

44. Neftali

The name means “struggling” and is of Hebrew origin.

45. Nicholas

This name’s men are really motivating. They are able to guide everyone on the correct path and ensure everyone’s success. They are trustworthy and accountable.

46. Osvaldo

Given that the name symbolizes “a divine power,” your son will feel blessed by it.

47. Pablo

This is yet another popular and well-known name. At any point in their lives, your child will be small in your eyes, so the name is ideal.

48. Paco

The name means “free” and is of Spanish ancestry.

49. Pitin

One of the sweetest names that conveys happiness and luck is this one. It follows that you will always be pleased if you are lucky enough to achieve success.

50. Ramon

Parents will be extremely lucky if their child grows up to be “a wise protector of mankind.”

51. Roberto

It’s an additional, widely used name. It denotes “shining fame,” which is uncontrollably contagious and always radiates like a gem.

52. Rolan

The name is elegant and alludes to a well-known person in the country. As a result, this name is also strongly recommended.

53. Raleigh

The name, which is British in origin, translates to “deer’s meadow.”

54. Rio

The name means “river” in translation.

55. Santiago

Saint James is symbolized by the name.

56. Salvador

Its meaning is “savior.” A guy with such a personality wins enormous respect from everyone around him.

57. Teyo

Are you raised in a religious home? The meaning of the name Yocoloshe is “the Almighty,” hence this is a unique name for a child who is always a part of God.

58. Tristan

These children become “a bold knight or a great fighter.” They safeguard everyone’s life and shield the defenseless from the harsh side of the globe.

59. Ventura

Every single parent hopes their child has excellent fortune. For the children, then, this name is a blessing from their parents.

60. Vicente

Given that the name signifies “a conquerer,” it may help your son develop a sense of self. As a result, it is among the most popular names.

61. Vidan

Name meaning: “life.” Since a parent’s child is their entire existence, this name is appropriate and straightforward.

62. Xalvador

Although the word seems quite technical, its meaning is actually rather simple: “a savior.” These people will be major players in the future.

63. Ximen

An additional unusual name means “an obedient son” Everybody wants their kids to live morally upright lives.

We hope you have chosen the ideal name for your boy from the list of highly suggested names. As a result, we would all like to wish you and your child a very successful future.


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