Malaysian Airline Safety: All You Need to Know


Malaysian Airlines is one of the best airlines in Asia and the world at large. The airline is well known among air travelers for having a good reputation for putting passenger safety first and for their impressive customer service.

The national carrier of Malaysia serves over 60 destinations around the world with a fleet of airplanes that meet international aviation safety standards.


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For over seven decades of existence in the aviation industry, Malaysia Airline safety standards have experienced their fair share of challenges, despite being one of the leading airlines in the world.

These safety challenges are common among the top world-leading airlines because of the trust many customers have in them, which at no moment should be put to the test. Here are the recent Malaysia Airlines safety challenges.

2019 ended on a bad note for Malaysia Airlines after it failed the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) international aviation safety requirements assessment.

It dropped from a Category 1 rating to a Category 2 rating of the FAA safety rating in November. As a result of this downgrade, the FAA penalized the airline by restricting it from adding another flight to its U.S. flight.

This sanction took a toll on the revenue it made in the U.S. in subsequent years. Air travelers taking U.S. routes and other routes are feared for their safety, which leads to a significant decrease in the number of passengers on their aircraft. This shows that passengers prioritize their safety over everything.

Unlike 2019, 2022 ends on a good note for national airline carriers; after undergoing years of implementing different safety standards and passing international aviation safety requirements assessments, it regained its FAA category 1 rating.

This was achieved by the airline as a result of the hard work of its stakeholders, who truly prioritize passenger safety.


There is no doubt that, since the 2019 FAA sanction, Malaysia Airlines has one of the best safety practices in the aviation industry. Here are some of the things that take-off practice passengers should know.

  • Before any of its aircraft take off, thorough inspections are carried out by the cabin crew and pilots.
  • Aircraft engines and other parts of Malaysia Airlines aircraft are properly tested before takeoff by their engineers.
  • It is announced to passengers that they should put on their seat belts before taking off.
  • Be free to call any cabin crew to render assistance if any is needed before takeoff.
  • On-flight safety measures are communicated to all passengers by the airline cabin crew before takeoff.
  • Malaysian airline pilots communicate with traffic control throughout the takeoff process.


The Malaysian Airlines safety department put on-flight safety practices in place to make sure all passengers and crew members fly safely in the air. The following are on-flight safety practices:

  • The airline cabin crew moves around during the flight without disturbing anyone to ensure all safety regulations are obeyed on the flight.
  • The cockpit crew closely monitors the aircraft’s altitude, speed, and direction during the fight.
  • On the flight, the cabin crew makes sure that all emergency exits are not obstructed.
  • In case of an emergency landing, all passengers are informed by the cabin crew to tighten up their seat belts.
  • Weather conditions are monitored by the cockpit crew, and flight direction may change in bad weather conditions.
  • The airplane communication system is checked and monitored from time to time.
  • The cockpit crew monitors the airplane’s fuel level during flight.

Malaysian Airline Safety Before Landing

To guarantee a safe landing on all of its flights, the airline put robust safety practices in place. The safety practices are as follows:

  • The flight cabin crew informs and prepares all passengers for landing.
  • The aircraft system and landing configuration are checked by the cockpit crew before landing.
  • The flight pilot communicates with the traffic tower to inform airport traffic control personnel of the plane’s landing.
  • The cabin crew instructs all passengers to fasten their seat belts, and other landing procedures are also communicated to the passengers.
  • The aircraft pilot aligns the plane with the airport runway, and the aircraft speed is reduced to prepare the plane for descent.
  • When a landing has been made, the cabin crew informs the passengers to wait patiently for the seatbelt signal to be off before standing up to alight the aircraft.

Malaysian Airline Safety: Partnership

In its commitment to ensuring passenger safety, Malaysia Airlines has partnered with many international aviation safety agencies and aircraft manufacturing companies to improve its already existing safe measures and equipment.

  1. Partnership with Airbus: Malaysia Airlines is in partnership with the French aircraft maker to make sure that all Airbus-manufactured aircraft in its fleets are properly maintained and meet international aviation safety regulations.2. Partnership with IATA: they are a member of the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Members of this association work together to strengthen air travel safety and security.
  2. Partnership with Boeing: the essence of this partnership is that the American aircraft manufacturing company will help uphold Malaysian airline safety standards on all Boeing aircraft in its fleet.
  3. Partnership with ICAO: is also a member of the United Nations’ International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), an agency that helps its members achieve the best safety practices in the aviation industry.

Malaysian Airline Aircraft Maintenance Practice

  • They perform regular inspections on all of their aircraft.
  • It has a team of engineers and trained aircraft safety specialists put together to repair, monitor, and maintain all its aircraft.
  • The Malaysia Airlines safety department heavily invests in the latest aircraft diagnostic tools and software from time to time to make sure faults in aircraft are detected on time.
  • They also invest in the education of their in-house aircraft maintenance team to ensure they stay updated on new maintenance practices in the aviation industry.
  • The airline is swift to upgrade its old or faulty aircraft systems and components.


There is no doubt that Malaysia Airline safety is committed to the safety of its passengers, as they work around the clock to ensure passenger safety at all times. Their impressive safety practices continue to put them on the list as one of the best airlines in the world. Though they have their fair share of challenges in ensuring their commitment to customer safety, it does not look like they will ever give up on their commitment any time soon.

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